Monthly Archives: August 2011

The Rhetorical Envelope


Every once and a while, the “Enviro-blimp”, the progressive poster boy of poppycock, gets a bit miffed that he isn’t in the news anymore. Mencken once postulated that all presidential losers should be hanged and in the case of Al Gore, considering the time since he LOST the election and what he has done with it, the idea certainly merits consideration..


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Harbinger Redux

Now that Irene has left her mark upon the Northeast, the “impartial” media is all over the NHC. Leading the hypocritical charge is America’s best birdcage liner, The New York Times. The Times couldn’t contain their disdain for the “experts” who “did not quite call the storm right”..

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As what’s left of Irene trundles up the East Coast, the nattering knuckleheads of the “globaloney warming” hilarity have found this to be the perfect opportunity to revive that which should have been dead long ago.. Since a “major” hurricane hasn’t hit the U.S. in years, the opportunity for the inherent over-exaggeration that accompanies EVERYTHING near and dear to the liberals black hearts is an opportunity that should not be missed out upon from their perverted perspective.. Nor was it..

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A revealing poll was just released by Politico stating, “fifty-one percent say George W. Bush deserves ‘almost all’ or ‘a lot but not all’ of the BLAME for the economy..” (Caps mine.) As well, “44 percent said that ‘almost all’ or ‘a lot but not all’ of the BLAME should be on the shoulders of congressional Republicans..” (Caps mine) What it “reveals” my friends, isn’t for the feint of heart..


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Rethinking Myself..

A few days ago, a “thought” passed through my fingers entitled, “Sad Or Happy”. Within those paragraphs of sarcasm and information (not necessarily in that order..) I postulated that Dhimmi Carter had to be the happiest person around. I believe that I need to rethink that thought..

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Conventional Wisdom

According to the Washington Examiner, “It’s conventional wisdom in Washington to blame the federal government’s dire financial outlook on runaway entitlement spending..” Believe me when I say that only one word needs to be removed from that previous sentence.. Before we begin to dissect this analogy, a few mundane but nonetheless revealing statistics need to be perused..

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Benefit Most


Just as OWEbama finished heaving his grubby gripsacks onto “Air Farce (I Am) Number One” for vacation/getaway/golf game number 1,650, the rest of the leftists left behind in “Pelosi’s Swamp” continued to inflict the Bolshevik blueprint upon the nation. Back in January of 2009, the left knew that they had a “window of opportunity” available to them that was going slam closed upon their fascist fingers with the mid term election of 2010. The last of their progressive portholes will be welded shut in November of 2012, so they still, as OWEbama often says, “have a lot of work left to do”, “left” being the crucial word..


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No Excuses

It seems that within the OWEbamanation, “when the going gets tough”, the NOT SO tough get going.. Out of town.. And they get out of town to Martha’s Vineyard. They go to a place that costs $50,000.00 a week to rent. May I speak for all of the unfortunate taxpayers of America by saying, “You’re welcome”.. If you are another of the OWEbama tax paying “victims”, please feel free to include your own quote and be sure to salt it to distaste..

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Woe Is Me..


The liberals are trying anything (literally..) at this point in order to establish some kind of momentum for their Dear Leader. Let me rephrase that.. OWEbama and his polices have created the downward “momentum” that his handlers hope to distract everyone from..


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Unsurprising Parallels


The nonsense that is taking place in England has now had its effects upon not only the pollsters here in America, but upon those that these pollsters poll.. Rasmussen has a poll claiming that nearly fifty percent of Americans believes that “cuts in government spending are at least somewhat likely to lead to violence in the United States.” (08/12/2011) Since so many people allegedly believe this to be so, shall we delve into its causes and find what are unsurprising parallels between both locations?


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