Inch by Inch..


OK, I now have a laptop and a vaunted iPad..

Stick with me, I am hoping for an August return.

Never give in, never give up and never again,




I am in the midst of a major laptop meltdown. I have managed to save the years of writing and finally retrieved the NLTZ login info.. This was published from my “phone”, time consuming and annoying. Next stop; laptop shopping.. Oh joy..  Hang with me, I shall return!

Of Unicorns, Rainbows, Lollipops and Snowflakes

In order to try to understand the proliferation of progressive pollination, as we marvel at oddity of the liberals reproducing demented generation after generation, we must accept the FACT that the liberal socialist snowflakes do not have the INTELLIGENCE to overcome their “education”/indoctrination..


A thought crossed my mind about the TWO time LOSER to political tyros, the Progressive Pachyderm, the Socialist Sow..  (I could go on for days..)  Silence is golden and the silence from the Clinton Crime Family has been delicious.  After raking in millions and millions of dollars at the government and banquet teats, Rodham is apparently unemployed..  I do not feel that this is fair, after all, she has “over thirty years” of experience and I would like for President Trump to give Rodham a political appointment to help ease the pain of being a perpetual loser of the “big prize”.  I would like to nominate Rodham as the new Ambassador to LIBYA.  Let’s see how she likes it..  NEVER FORGET.


Some seem to be wondering how President Trump can make Mexico pay for the border wall.  I can do you one better.  I can make the return of ILLEGALS profitable.  We will manufacture little portable prison cells or “kennels” if you will.  These will be placed within the cargo hold area of an airplane.  For each ILLEGAL that is returned to its “country of origin”, UPS, Fed Ex, American Airlines, etc, will receive a tax break for each ILLEGAL that gets “rightfully repositioned”.  Tax breaks will be MUCH less costly then perpetually housing, feeding, etc, the worlds ILLEGALS, who are encouraged, welcomed and molly coddled in their felonious activity by the liberals..  Baggage handlers will just roll our little portable cells onto the tarmac and the local “government” can come claim their property..  So, the ILLEGALS will be returned, corporations will pay LESS into the Democratic liberal tax monster which will allow corporations to hire more employees and the middle class can keep a bit more of what it has earned..  Win, win, win.  Problem solved, problem permanently solved..


The people with “too much time on their hands” (ergo; the liberal Democratic voter base and I do mean “base”..) MUST be convinced of the following..  The ONLY reason that they have too much time on their hands is due to the oppression of others.  Malarkey like “white privilege” and such..  Their individual sloth, their personal cooperation with and their apparent acceptance of their “station in life” has NOTHING to do with them or their poor “life choices” at all..  Riiigghhtt..  The reality is that it has EVERYTHING to do with their INDIVIDUAL actions or inactions.  These self appointed “victims” are too stupid to see that they are being played by the white liberal racists who occupy the Democratic political machine..  It is a study in child psychology and a poor one at that..  The patronizing progressives are “here to help” and it is blatantly transparent that the Democrat’s goal today is the same as it was in Selma, individual servitude.  Slavery, for those who are fond of being blunt..  The methodology has changed, the result is the same..  Violence for compliance morphed into an addiction to handouts taken from the middle class..  It is a new mental torture versus the old school Democratic physical torture.  The end game is still the same, as Rodham said, “we must bring them to heel”..  That is why the left targeted the public school system for destruction (because NO ONE with any measureable intelligence would fall for this) and that is why the liberals INSIST that the lowest class and minorities be manacled to those same public schools.  (No vouchers..)  There is no doubt that there is true evil behind the Cheshire cat smile of the altruistic liberal..


Speaking of invisible useless forgotten windbags, a thought on Cher..  I wish that she had skied into the tree instead of Sonny..


Talk is cheap except when a liberal partakes and then talk becomes VERY expensive..


Colleges used to be called “institutes of higher learning”..  Today they should be known as “cesspools of lower indoctrination”..  They used to be thought of as “a place where all ideas are welcomed and discussed”..  Now they are refuges for Democratic despots and collectivist crackpots where the “school of thought” is now a one way street where ANY contrary opinion is branded, marginalized and excoriated..  “Discussion” is verboten because it reveals the idiotic non-logic that permeates the Marxist mindset..


Why has racial IDENTITY become mandatory today?  We have such laughable groups forming every day, for example the “black data processors society”..  The reason that identifiers have become permanent is that there are too many liberals, Democrats and minority hucksters who DIRECTLY profit from today’s separatism..  As well, if “everyone got along”, a tremendous number of liberals, Democrats and minority shysters would have to “share” their ever diminishing “power” or at worst, they would lose their “power” altogether..  Please keep in mind: “power” equals MONEY, follow the MONEY and there you find the $harptons, the $chumers and rest of the malevolent malicious Marxists who seek to CHANGE but one thing, the ever burgeoning amount within their PERSONAL checking accounts..  They seek to EXPAND “problems”, never to end them, because as long as a problem exists, the world will need the liberals to “cure” it..


Why are there ANY “refugees” from the eight year, “Target America First” destruction of “Dark Evader” and his Deathstar “administration” STILL in governmental positions?  Who do you think MIGHT be the “leakers”?  Flush EVERY ONE of these heretic holdovers and establish a “Make America Great Again” litmus test..  Sort of like my “Coming to America” litmus test.  If you will not eat a bacon sandwich, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED IN.. Problem solved..


Jellyfish have managed for centuries to exist without a brain.  This may explain how liberals have managed to survive for about sixty years..  I certainly hope their lifespan isn’t the same as their intellectual contemporaries..


That which you TOLERATE, your children will learn to EMBRACE..


Safe Zones, Safety Pins and Sophistry

As revolting as the liberals actions and thoughts are, their vulgar, vomity vocabulary is even more disgusting and deceptive..  Here is another classic from their Nazi nomenclature, “Under-served”..  What I can guarantee you is that ANYONE who is described by the liberals as “under-served” is actually OVER-served in relation to their personal intake of governmental alms..  Someone who is “under-served” in relation to bank loans is OVER served in relation to FREE health care, FREE utilities, FREE housing, FREE food etc, etc.  (Don’t EVER let these victims/weasels cry and moan about their “poverty”, if their undeserved stipend isn’t enough to keep them in drugs, booze and lottery tickets, go get a JOB.  Oh, you “can’t” get a job?  Is it because your liberal friends destroyed the public school system and you didn’t try to help yourself at all while you were there?  Does everyone NOW see how my liberal “help” flow chart works for the poor?)  Leave it to a liberal to find another downtrodden “victim” in need of whatever it is that that particular liberal is in charge of disseminating..  Each liberal’s self survival and sustenance at the governmental teat REQUIRES them to “find” more “victims” for them to help and the best way to “find” them is for the liberals to perpetually MAKE them..  As they “help”, (your typically destructive degenerate “help” that the left lovingly provides) the liberal is then themselves REWARDED financially, usually by taking “just a bit” off of the top of what is supposed to be disseminated to the downtrodden derelicts..  A scummy leftist “economist” finds the “under-served” (“under-served” based on their INABILITY to properly pay back a loan, for example, so they are therefore PROPERLY “under-served”) and then is tasked (PAID) to “cure” the problem using money stolen from others..  The amount of money the middle class has to tithe to the undeserving at the behest of the IRS STILL isn’t enough to “fairly” sustain the moochers and the mendicants according to the progressive profiteers..  As with EVERY “problem” the left puts within their socialist sights, the “problem”..  Wait for it, wait for it..  Is.. A lack of money..  You pick the “problem”, the “lack of money” is the reason for a lack of success in “curing” it according to the left..  A LARGE part of the “problem” actually revolves around the physically and mentally capable REFUSING to participate in their own betterment and the liberals NEED to BUY their votes with YOUR money.  They may forget to apply for a job but they sure know how to vote and they know how to vote as many times as their stamina allows..  Those TRULY physically and mentally incapable should ALWAYS be helped by governmental services.  The “Trump-ian” concept of “vetting” needs to go FAR beyond the liberal poster children, the TERRORISTS/“immigrants”..  We need to END the horrific waste being perpetuated in the name of “compassion”.  The government STEALS enough from the middle class, it is time for them to become EFFICIENT..  Imagine how much more could actually be accomplished if the ridiculous amount of WASTE could be reapportioned!!  Imagine being told that the government is functioning at “full capacity” and this surplus means that each taxpayer is exempt from federal income tax for a year!  How did the government and America EVER manage to function before the collection of income taxes?  Here is a prime example of how government, mostly liberal in nature, goes about “curing” a “problem”..  The first income taxes were demanded to support the Civil War..  Dear federal government, the Civil War is over, been over since 1865, can we stop “funding” it now??  It’s been over 150 years, is the South “rebuilt” enough already??  Nope, the government (mostly liberal in nature) decided that to “cure” the “problem”, the “cure” had to be PERMANENT!  Enter the 19th Amendment in 1913..  When the Civil war ended, when the reconstruction, etc., was finished, shouldn’t the tax PENALTIES have ended too?  That which the government claims it needs, once the “need” is met, the INFLOW will just be rerouted to another “problem”..  In 2009, the federal government collected TWO TRILLION dollars and not to be outdone, OWEbama and his thieves stole $3,248,723,000,000.00 (CNS News) from the American public in 2015..  THREE and a HALF TRILLION DOLLARS..  So, when NO ONE DEMANDS efficiency, waste is encouraged and enabled to run rampant, and it does with aplomb..  So the “problem” is really three-fold..  Here might be the reasons that there isn’t enough money, allegedly, to fix the “problems”..  Unbridled waste which no one will reign in, the liberal’s NEED to CREATE AND SUSTAIN poverty, (the more “victims” the more liberals need to be hatched and remunerated for their “compassion”) and the REFUSAL of these bums/“beneficiaries” to exercise the personal discipline to LEAVE the liberal bonds of benevolence (Slavery, if you are as fond of brevity as I am)..  The actual SOLVING of the “problems” of the “under-served” would effectively make our empathetic liberals UNEMPLOYED and it would free the downtrodden..  THAT is why the “problem”, whatever that “problem” may be, will persist and GROW ad infinitum because we have Prius driving, Tofu eating, man bun wearing, fart sniffing platitude vomiting liberals “trying” to “solve” it..


I hear that the leftist loons in Hollywood want ILLEGALS to attend their back slapping socialist soiree known as the Oscars.  Wow..  Notice they aren’t welcoming ANY of these malarial felons into their gated communities to LIVE, THAT would really mean that they believe in what they say..


My hometown USED to be so wonderful.  Now garbage lines the streets and highways (mainly because garbage lives in too many of the “neighborhoods”) to a depressing degree..  It is there for everyone to see..  To borrow from Frank Sinatra, my hometown is the “City that never sweeps”..


“Diversity” is the collectivist cover and concealment for authorized and approved extortion..


I see a proliferation of the cellular telephones..  People are absolutely ADDICTED to them.  But more often than not, people aren’t talking on them, they are typing on them..  So..  They are talking to people without talking to people..


If you are one of “those” people who uses such repulsive phrases like, “value added”, “customer-centric solutions”, “diversity and inclusiveness”, “empowerment”, “undocumented worker”, “reproductive rights”, “economic justice”, “income inequality”, “raising awareness”, “gender reassignment” “micro aggression”, you should be turned into collectivist compost and scattered about the greenways..

Liberal Youth In Asia

Try to keep this in perspective..  The lunatic liberals are STILL upset about what they continue to breathlessly call mysterious things like “foreign elements” influencing our elections..  Please note that this weepy concern ONLY came about after the most recent rebuke, yet ANOTHER election LOST by the two time LOSER, the porcine progressive, Rodham..  Never mind how much filthy lucre was shoveled into the pockets of the Progressive Pervert (Billy Bob) by Saudi Arabia, China, George Soros, etc, etc during his campaigns.. That was then, THIS IS NOW!  “Donations” aren’t the phantasms that are “influencing elections” within the vociferous vacuum known as “critical liberal thinking”..  The problem is some shadowy and mysterious “foreign” intrigue..  No, the “foreign” element is the old Cold Warrior, Russia.  After yet ANOTHER embarrassing loss for Rodham and after the wonderful cathartic November bitch slap of the “OWEbama agenda” someone, something, anything MUST be “responsible”.  (When the liberals start throwing around the word “responsible” it will ALWAYS be someone or something OTHER than them that gets the blame..)  Something, anything MUST be to blame other than Rotund Rodham..  (Let’s play this progressive patty cake at face value:  IF Russia “influenced” the election, they did so by doing the job that the “impartial” media SHOULD have done..  But, back to the liberal fantasy fable..)  The liberals should be aghast at yet ANOTHER undue “influence”, foreign in nature, “influencing” our elections.  That “influence” is the votes cast by ILLEGALS ILLEGALLY in our elections. (This is BEFORE we get to the other liberal approved “influence”, the “inner city vote as many times as you want” program..)  However, the liberals encourage and enable ILLEGALS to VOTE (and they encourage them to do SO much more than just vote I might add..) which UNQUESTIONABLY “influences” elections. Therefore, if all of the bombast and baloney being served up by the leftists about “influencing elections” is true, if their sudden “concern” about undue “influence” is genuine, then the liberals should be the BIGGEST supporters of THE WALL..


Please keep in mind: a MINORITY has infected the majority with their OPINION.  The “impartial” media is NOT in the NEWS business any longer, it is now in the BLATANTLY BIASED OPINION business. The “impartial” media MAKES the news, it does NOT “report” the news..  This MINORITY, in control of the media, (therefore they are also in control of the MESSAGE) constantly “reports” on the nonsensical nattering of the liberal MINORITY.  Liberals ARE NOT a “majority” in this country but based upon the obsequious obsessive coverage their mental flatulence receives from their partners in slime, you are led to “believe” that the liberals are an overwhelming majority. Countless hundreds of millions of NORMAL people’s opinions do not matter when the “impartial” media goes about disseminating their BIASED OPINION as opposed to being truly IMPARTIAL.  You do not need to go march somewhere, turn over a few cars, bust a few windows in order to change this..  No, leave the felonies for the Soros sponsored “protesters” and other demented Democrats.  Try this: JUST TURN THE “NEWS” OFF.  Before doing so, note the commercial “sponsors” and completely financially boycott them.  Advertising revenue dies as viewership dies and then the source host DIES..  Let’s set about making the liberals our “domestic dinosaurs” shall we?


I have a few easy questions for our pathetic purveyors of “diversity”..  What is “diverse” about demanding that EVERYONE agree with your opinion?  Why is it necessary for the very IDEA of disagreement with you to be made ILLEGAL in so many cases?  Why MUST you stifle disagreement, is it because YOUR “arguments” do not have the weight of logic, common sense or fact behind them?  Shouldn’t YOUR arguments get stronger by debating with those who disagree and maybe just maybe, by debating, could you possibly see the error of your ways and possibly alter your “thinking”, therefore conceding that SOMEONE else might be right?  Such questions put to those on the left usually bring about a hyperbolic apoplectic response complete with spittle and sputtering..  The truth?  “Diversity” is just a “new age” diversion for “group think”, it is nothing other than politically correct BULLYING..


“Equality of outcome”, another of the progressive panaceas, is IMPOSSIBLE with an equality of EFFORT..


I shall name this segment, “Le Pen is mightier than the horde”..  France’s newest heroine, National Front candidate Marine Le Pen, paid a visit to Lebanon.  Her visit with Lebanese President Aoun was without incident or fanfare..  Enter Lebanon’s “top Sunni” Mooselim “cleric” for a chin wag..  Le Pen was told to don one of the tablecloths to wear as headgear “before entering the presence of the religious leader”..  The amazing Le Pen REFUSED to do so saying, “I consider the headscarf a symbol of a woman’s submission”.  (Le Pen has wisely called for limits on immigrants for quite some time..)  With that Le Pen left.  America had Reagan in Reykjavik, walking out on Gorby, now France has Le Pen walking out on a smelly Mooselim windbag..  France, please do the RIGHT thing and vote this woman into the Presidency!  Viva La France!!


The hypnotic slumber of the Marxist marionettes of the “impartial” media during the OWEbama years has certainly changed the (out of) tune that they are now banging out on the collectivist calliope humorously being passed off as the “news”..  They went from being subservient liberal lap dogs for the “Community Organizer” to becoming the fire breathing feral fascists of today..  Wow, I guess that elections really do “have consequences”..  No more intellectual soft soaping like “jobs supported” or “jobs saved or created” when the apologists were crooning for the black Bolshevik.  All of this caterwauling from the “man bun” crowd leads me to an eerie silence from someone not accustomed to being mute..  Old Rodham..  Pelosi, the progressive prune, hasn’t slowed the socialist sewage she spews, stopping just long enough for more Botox injections and even the Marxist manatee Michael Moore has waddled away from the buffet line just long enough to weigh in on President Trump..  But why has the pantsuit progressive gone missing, why have we seen her adipose mug on milk cartons?  I will wager that President Trump basically told her that if she keeps her cake hole closed, he will not have her prosecuted for the litany of crimes that she has committed..  Why else would someone so in love with the sound of their own voice become so suddenly silent..

The Dance Of The Sugar Dumb Fairies

The maudlin melodramatic low liberal comedy that has taken place since the election of President Trump has many scratching their heads.  They say why all of the childish caterwauling, why all of the petulant progressive puling?  Not me, for I find the hilarious histrionics to be perfectly understandable and to be quite predictable given the source..  Please allow me to explain..

Some wonder why the moronic Marxists are so morose, why the need to march around, proudly displaying your ignorance for the world to see.  I believe that it is because they recognize that within the shallow and meaningless existence of your typical leftist bottom feeder, there is a void.  It is one that they try to ignore but it gnaws at them and it will never be satiated..  That void is the loss of religion.  The socialist swine replaced traditional religion with the WORSHIP of their perverted personal politics.  Liberalism..  Demented, deviant, destructive and disgusting liberalism has become THEIR RELIGION.

The “religion” of liberalism (liberalism, completely occupied by the Democrats so by association, liberal equals Democrat) CANNOT compete with anything.  (Remember, the liberals HATE competition, they must “level the playing field” by ELIMINATING competition through the “equality of outcome” NOT the “equality of opportunity”, etc..)  Competition puts the glaring light of reality upon their chicanery.  Therefore, the left HAD to destroy the “competition”.  (With any and all liberal enterprises, competitors MUST be written off as “racists” or “sexists” or “whatever-ists”..)  The “competition” must be marginalized and then they must be eliminated..  Scorched Earth liberalism at its worst..

So the religion of liberalism HAD to REPLACE traditional religion because within the liberal cesspool there must be only ONE way of thinking..  (Does liberalism ever intersect with “thinking”?)  (Please also remember, the left tells you that they live under the “big tent of inclusion” UNTIL you have the temerity to disagree with one of their edicts..)  (ONE way of thinking, that sounds like the people the liberals always compare Trump supporters to..)

The left wasted no time painting each episode of individual deviance within the church as a complete “epidemic”, a “pandemic” or other such jibberish..  Move to removing the Ten Commandments, remove crosses and ALL Christmas displays where ever they are, etc..  In order to effectively marginalize, then minimalize and then eliminate America’s traditional “religion” they needed a few helpers..  (Again remember, the left has NO PROBLEM not only “tolerating” for example, “the religion of peace”, but ACTIVELY working for the imaginary “rights” of their “messengers” to deliver their satanic anti-American bile to their terrorist contemporaries posing as “refugees”..)   Enter from stage left, the “impartial” media.  Together, these two, the liberals and their Fifth Columnists of the Fourth Estate, set out to destroy traditional religion..

Within the parched socialist soil of their minds, the liberals imagined taking over the Sunday sermon, converting the assembled and conquering the pulpit of the neighborhood church.  The idiotic concept has been tried with some of the “non-traditional” “churches” where the ensconced progressive parishioners worship lawn furniture, Saul Alinsky, aardvarks or something similar..  The leftists KNEW that NO ONE would go out of their way to attend such a “church” on Sunday to hear such blasphemous claptrap..  So how could they get their “message” out to former parishioners on Sunday?  The answer proved more powerful and intoxicating than the liberals imagined..

The left went from the concept of their message being delivered on Sunday morning for an hour to force feeding it twenty four hours a day, each and EVERY DAY..  They AGAIN turned to the “new and improved impartial” media which was now becoming an around the clock indoctrination operation..  The “pulpit” became a place within the liberal “religion” that NO ONE had to “go to”, IT CAME TO THEM via the television in their living room..

The progressive pulpit became the living room and the vehicle was, and still is, the television set..  The “news” became the Marxist messenger..  “The word” went from an hour on Sunday to an incessant Bolshevik brow beating twenty four hours a day..  THIS is how the religion of liberalism came to supplant traditional religion not only within the leftist “true believer” but within those who would have never LISTENED to the collectivist claptrap before..

How else can you explain good, God fearing people embracing the Democrats destructive politics?  How else would these religious people vote for Democrats who DEMAND abortion at will?  (As well, please explain the hypnotic effect the Democrats have on blacks..  Margaret Sanger, liberal poster girl, “Planned Parenthood” founder, was an avowed RACIST who openly spoke of eliminating the black race..  But I digress..)  The “news”, carefully colored through the progressive palate, slowly waterboarded an entire generation of people..

Again, the pulpit of each individual church could NOT be used for the liberals end.  Thus the “impartial” news had to be the messenger, after all, they are JOURNALISTS, they would never cloud their “reporting”..  The “message” was going out every hour, on the hour, to those who would NEVER consider stepping foot in a “church” where such heresy was being vomited forth..  By destroying the traditional church, the left also knew that those the traditional church used to help will now come to the “Kevorkian Kollectivists”, who will be “helped” via the strange brand of socialist strychnine loving disseminated by the glassful by the emissaries of the liberal “religion”..

The liberals, while decrying the tactics and the successes of the traditional church weren’t above using those tactics and successes themselves.  Understanding that POLITICS is the RELIGION of the left helps to understand their Marxist meltdowns and boo hooing today..  (As well, most of these powder puffs were raised to believe that they are the center of the universe, so disagreement with them has always met with tantrums..)  Liberals (again: Democrats) were ALWAYS offended by how “aggressively” the religious would try to convert the non-believer.  The religious took their religion seriously.  (However, the traditionally religious would try to convert you in a friendly way, the “religious liberal” does so with a fevered brow and a righteous indignation bordering on a mental psychosis..)

The liberals want to “recruit”, they HAVE to “recruit” and they too are AGGRESSIVE, but they are AGGRESSIVE in a much more hostile manner than the traditionally religious..   They take the “rejection” of THEIR “religion” personally because the religion of liberalism has displaced traditional religion within the empty soul of the possessed progressives..  The left absolutely had to fill the gaping void left as they forcibly removed traditional religion from their lives.  They then created their own disjointed and dystrophic religion, “liberal politics” and when they are rejected, as they were last November, they take that rejection of their “religion” PERSONALLY..  I would hope that this completely explains the dance of the sugar dumb fairies..

The Takeaway

I managed to only be exposed to approximately sixty seconds of last night’s “debate” between the Benghazi Bovine and the Nutty Perfessor.. However, it certainly was an illuminating sixty seconds..

I will admit that I was caught by surprise when the Bern actually said out loud, and I am paraphrasing, “fifty years ago, a twelfth grade education was the equivalent of a college degree today..” Like every liberal Democrat who manages to occasionally stumble into the truth, Ol’ Bern was right but for the wrong reasons..

Two sidebars, if I may. First, I have said that same thing about “education” for decades. Second, we will ignore the blatant bending over blackwards progressive patronizing over the “disparity” and the “unfairness” of the “justice system” nonsense that I’ve read predominated the rest of this phony “debate”.. They are both tripping over themselves to appear the blackest and they might as well step out in blackface singing “Mammy” for the full effect. Please keep in mind that as soon as the Clinton machine manages to bump off Sanders in any one of the creative ways that they have bumped off challengers and malcontents in the past, (plane crashes, staged “suicides”, etc..) the Benghazi Bovine will be crowing about how much of a “centrist” she is..

To the Bern’s point, I will assure you that HIS reason for making this point is that he wants a “college education” to be FREE, he wants everyone to pay for it and as has been said, socialism is a great idea until you run out of other people’s money to spend.. Possibly, if all of the fattened and firmly ensconced teachers and professors, nearly ALL lifetime liberal Democrats, would DONATE their services as opposed to demanding exorbitant remuneration for their indoctrination sermons, “education” would be “affordable and accessible to everyone”, but I digress..

MY point is a bit different than Bernie’s point AND my point is actually TRUE.. So, as the idiots in the “corporate world” like to say, what is “the takeaway” from all of this?

The K through 12 grade public education system in America WAS the envy of the entire planet. WAS.. What has happened to that amazing public school system? The Democrats decided to start “caring” about it because they HAD TO and as soon and the Democrats start “caring” about ANYTHING, very, very bad things begin to happen.. With the “new and improved” Democrats, bad things happen in the name of imaginary things like “fairness” and “compassion”.. Time has proven that “fairness and compassion” are how the progressive liberal Democrats spell “racism and oppression”..

Back in the halcyon days when the Democrats were so fond of fire hoses and baseball bats to keep people in their place, the world eventually reached a point and it decided that enough was enough. The Democrats wanted the same results as before, the intentional oppression of minorities, without all of the mess. They realized that a TRULY educated person could not be controlled nor did they have ANY need for the Democratic brand of “help” that was to materialize in the form of welfare dependency, et al so soon thereafter..

Out of sheer necessity, It was time to “dumb down” the public school system in order to INSURE that the lowest class, soon to be manacled to the Democratic welfare machine, would STAY the lowest class.. (This was BEFORE the Democrats went about welcoming ILLEGALS by the boatloads and NOT demanding that “immigrants” assimilate, therefore assuring their permanent place at the bottom with all of the other Democratic voters etc., etc.. Democratic voters, dead and alive.. The progressive Democrats wanted to EXPAND the size of the lowest class, their perverted poisonous politics DEMANDED it..)

The liberal Democrats began surgically attacking the public school curriculum and they eviscerated it, leaving only a bloated decomposing carcinogenic carcass to feed the minds of the poor..

The liberal Democrats began to whisper that “education was selling out to the white man”.. They then pulled off their greatest miracle: they convinced the minorities and the poor that THEY were there to HELP them and that only THEY could HELP them as everyone else was out to “oppress” them.. The liberal Democrats then found “helpers” in the minority “community” like $harpton and Jack$on, who ONLY wanted to fatten their OWN bank accounts as they too were there to HELP the poor and the downtrodden as long as there was a paycheck for THEM alone..

According to the liberal “progressive” left, the ONLY reason that the public education system in America is FAILING to properly educate, is because of a lack of MONEY.. It has NOTHING to do with the 2+2=7 nonsense being “taught” today. This also explains their violent reaction to a voucher system which would allow the poor to actually have a say in their child’s education. BUT, this would EMPTY the liberal’s “caring” public schools which would END the liberals stranglehold on the poor and more importantly, it would END their perpetual theft of the middle classes money to bankroll their phony benevolence..

The sad thing that I have to report is that this disgusting Democratic deviancy has WORKED. These uneducated poor and minorities enter the workforce with their limited skills and abilities and they flounder. The “new and improved” public schools have made them intellectually lazy and unable to cope in even the least challenging of environments OUTSIDE of the “compassionate” walls of the public schools.

In the REAL WORLD, there are no medals, ribbons and trophies for merely showing up and taking up space, in order to be employed you need to produce something.. Again, enter the helpful liberals who address this issue with the “fact” that these uneducated are being “discriminated” against and as always the culprit is “racism”.. As well, it’s time for a few lawsuits to make sure that the liberal courts and the “impartial” media get to chime in on all of this “unfairness”..

Never mind that this “issue” was created by the compassionate progressive liberal Democrats themselves and they are going to be the ones, the ONLY ones they say, who will “fix” it.. Why are the liberal Democrats the “only ones” who can “fix it”? The answer is very simple: because the liberal progressive Democrats DO NOT want to FIX ANYTHING. In order for their “desired results” to occur, the progressive Democrats HAVE to be the ONLY purveyors of “help” in the matter..

The takeaway? The ONLY way for this cycle of despair and intentional targeted racism by liberal progressive Democrats upon the poor and the minorities to end is when the rest of America STOPS electing Democrats to political office..

Drop The See Are..

With all of the hubris and hubbub of late over the Benghazi Bimbo and Mr. Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs from Vermont dying to be known as the “progressive” candidate, (Rodham will be dying to be known as the “centrist candidate” in a few months but maybe more on that later..) a matter has slipped from the attention of the fine citizenry.. This topic has never slipped from my attention as readers will hopefully attest to.. The CRISIS in Syria..

SUDDENLY we have a CRISIS in Syria.. That is according to the liberal “progressive” left. Syria has been in turmoil for FIVE YEARS but suddenly, “refugees” need to flee Syria (as opposed to defending it from other Mooselims..) for greener pastures and flee they have been, spreading like cockroaches all over Europe for starters.. I see an ulterior motive within this “need to flee”. I also see several conspirators in all of this malarkey.

This “need to flee” seems to be a diversion, a diversion that has come to fruition due to the Johnny Come Lately’s of the left suddenly seeing a CRISIS FIVE YEARS after the CRISIS began.. Once the left starts paying attention, that immediately places the “impartial” media on notice to pay attention as well. Then it’s time for the left to start “doing something”.. The crucial question is: exactly WHAT is the liberal progressive left doing? Let’s try to find out together..

In five year’s time, the situation in Syria has amounted to over 250,000 dead and now we have over eleven million “displaced”.. What is as obvious as the nose on Pinocchio Rodham’s face is the FACT that among these “displaced refugees” are at least tens of thousands of avowed terrorists. This NEW CRISIS affords these avowed terrorists the opportunity to infiltrate WITHOUT SUFFICIENT SCRUTINY. Adding that to the mix helps to understand the liberal’s sudden epiphany over a CRISIS that is over FIVE YEARS old..

First: those “fleeing” should ONLY be the elderly and the infirm. The REST should take up arms and defend their homeland. Never mind, there is an agenda at work, logic must be jettisoned..

Because this is a CRISIS, cutting corners must be done out of necessity, exigent circumstances, we must “expedite” these “refugees”.. Without this CRISIS, probably an overwhelming number of these “refugees” would be cashiered as they try to infiltrate the “usual” refugee process (whatever THAT is..) because of their terrorist affiliations.

Now, because of the CRISIS, they have interlarded themselves within the “refugees”, they are now in the process of embedding themselves and they are awaiting orders from their fellow “practitioners of the religion of peace”..

European countries are bursting with “refugees”, many of whom have not kept their criminal impulses in check even days after relocating. Germany, Sweden and many others are now reaping the rewards of their silly, short sighted gullible altruistic generosity.. Even Jordan has reached a “boiling point”.. According to King Abdullah, “sooner or later, I think that the dam is going to burst..” Jordan ALONE is trying to set aside nine BILLION dollars to “help” these “refugees”.. “Help” them to do what, hmmm, I wonder.. If you NEED to ask, YOU are a part of the problem..

This wave of terrorists wouldn’t have had the opportunity to set up shop so quickly without this CRISIS, FIVE YEARS after the crisis began.. So who is bellowing the loudest about the “rights” of these refugees who are now in position and all poised to strike, terrorist playbook and prayer rug at the ready? Our wonderful liberal progressive left who MUST respond to any CRISIS with their unique brand of anti-American helpfulness..

All that the terrorists have to do is look pathetic and weepy and the American liberal left will do the rest..

Studying from the liberal playbook, the terrorists weren’t in a real rush, that is until of late.. As the liberals have slowly gone about destroying Western Civilization and all that is good for nearly sixty years, the terrorists haven’t seemed to have “timetables”.. But this liberal CRISIS has borne the opportunity for terrorists by the tens of thousands, maybe even the hundreds of thousands, to quietly relocate within targeted countries without a peep of resistance allowed from those that disagree with the alleged “vetting process”..

The American armada in 1944, making its way toward Omaha Beach, came as a legitimate army that had had a war declared on it, in marked uniforms and vehicles.. Our terrorist friends needed to move in large numbers, wearing the “uniform” of the “refugee”, hiding behind the “religion of peace” with the liberal left paving the way for their resettlement and remuneration.. Though patient, the terrorists saw the chance to move in large numbers and with the help of their ever faithful progressive allies, so they did..

For generations, the terrorists have been busy reproducing and inculcating the masses. Women and children now gleefully engage in terrorism. (Making the whole “who’s the target/collateral damage” nonsense completely obsolete..) Now sufficiently marinated in the jaundiced juices of the “religion of peace”, they will percolate further both HERE and abroad.. All the terrorists had to do is GET THERE, after that the world’s liberals will smooth the road and run interference for them and even get the middle class to fund them..

The “paving the way” begins with the left categorizing and castigating those with the temerity to disagree with their helpfulness.. You know, like calling those who look at this CRISIS realistically “Islamophobes” or some other diversionary poppycock. You know, like the progressives “ethnic cleansing” ruse with Bosnia.. (Fact: Bosnians are overwhelmingly Mooselims..) You know, like “driving while black”.. The liberals were big on the “ethnic cleansing” scam right out of the box with Bosnia but why did it take over FIVE YEARS for them to climb on board with Syrian “refugee” business? Apparently it took five years for the terrorists to get a hold of the busy progressives and tell them what they needed from them..

All the terrorists needed was a CRISIS (check), and then for the liberals to do the heavy lifting (check)..

Something is in the works. The terrorists had been following the liberal progressive game plan for some time. For decades, the liberals have been chipping away, not taking huge swathes, endlessly carping and haranguing normal society with their carcinogenic cacophony.. It would appear that the terrorists have become impatient and they have told their liberal benefactors to get to it.

Thus the left’s “discovery” of a CRISIS that has been happening for FIVE YEARS.. The distractions have been disseminated, the terrorists are now in place (a LOT quicker and in greater numbers than they had hoped) and they are now being adopted as the progressive poster children of the liberal welfare state. If they are around for a bit, before they start blowing themselves and others up, they will be voting “progressive Democrat” in a few elections..

So you have to ask yourself, why are the progressive liberals so fond of this CRISIS, a CRISIS that has been worsening for over FIVE YEARS?

Drop the “CR” from the word CRISIS..

Seems Logical

Yesterday the TERRORISTS decided to launch a mortar attack against an all- girl grade school in Syria.. As of this writing, at least nine young girls are dead. The Syrian Prime Minister had this to say, “terrorist rockets will not prevent us from continuing our mission of education”..

So the education of women in Syria appears to be a threat to the manly TERRORISTS.. Seems logical. The backward simians who end up as terrorists HAVE to eschew education in even its most prehensile of forms because an educated person would NEVER consider terrorism as an avocation.. (Please note that the very few “educated” individuals involved in terrorism are NEVER on the “front line”, they “recruit” and manipulate the inbred UNeducated savages with hilarious promises of eternal bliss with virgins which mysteriously motivates the soiled simpletons towards terrorism..)

With that as your backdrop, prepare yourself for this.. How are the liberals and the terrorists alike? They BOTH seek to END education. There, I said it and that may very well not be the end of their similarities..

The “old school” Democrats, when the world grew weary of their baseball bats and fire hoses, KNEW that they HAD to do something different while achieving the same result: keeping “certain” people in their place.. Once the old Democrats herculean efforts to keep minorities and the poor uneducated were finally overturned, they decided to become the “New Democrats”. Since the BEST FREE education in the world, the public school system in the United States, was now available to the nation’s minorities and the poor, according to the liberals, something had to be “done” to education.. Terrorists, liberals, same agenda, different methodology..

At this point, the Democrats switched from their “old school” physical violence in order to achieve a docile populace to the “new and improved” Democrats that “cared”.. It was absolutely necessary to KEEP the uneducated uneducated so the “caring” Democrats went about starting to “fix” that which DIDN’T need fixing.. The BEST FREE education system on the planet apparently wasn’t good enough, not when you have an agenda to follow..

The Democrats KNEW that a TRULY educated person was a THREAT to the Democratic brand of politics. So the “education” of the poor and the minorities HAD to switch from genuine education into the INDOCTRINATION to the liberal panaceas that it has unfortunately become.. It was time to take the “education” out of education..

The liberals have spent the last fifty years (and simultaneously wasted trillions of dollars) “fixing” something that didn’t need to be fixed. “Fixing” might not be the appropriate word, the liberals needed to “adjust” the public schools to retrofit the liberal agenda.

The liberal “fix” involved the transformation of the public schools from providing a genuine quality education into the purveyors of perpetual victimhood. A TRULY educated person is a direct threat to the liberal orthodoxy just like a TRULY educated person is a threat to the Mooselim orthodoxy.. A TRULY educated person can see right through the liberal malarkey and subsequently they have absolutely no use for the liberals OR for liberalism OR for any of their caustic elixirs of “caring” ..

So the left set about “fixing” things.. They fixed grades, making them “exclusionary” and “judgmental”. They “fixed” curriculums so that things like Western Civilization were to be considered “racist” and “imperialist”.. Even something as innocuous as dodgeball was targeted by the liberal bilge machine.. In time, even the school lunches were maligned and needed to be “fixed” by the most evil Marxist Medusa..

These same liberals coincidentally despise the idea of VOUCHERS. Vouchers are another direct threat to the liberal public “education” because it affords those that have not had a “choice” because of their economic station to finally exercise a choice when it comes to the education of their children. Those poor and minorities when given that choice invariably abandon the liberally infested carcinogenic public school system in order for their children to have a genuine “education”.

In as few words as possible, the liberals HAD to “dumb down” education so that those in need of controlling could be much more easily controlled. Instead of controlling their victims physically as they did in the past, the “New and Improved” left decided that it was much less messy and a whale of a lot easier to control their victims mentally..

This is not unlike the “fix” the liberals came up with for welfare. The left firmly believes that welfare (lets “fix” this term please, “benefits”) should last FOREVER because as the “benefits” last forever, so does the lowest classes addiction to them.. Please keep in mind that in order for these “benefits” to be “properly distributed” FOREVER, the left and its elephantine form of government MUST be involved in its redistribution from the working middle class to the slovenly lowest class..

The liberals want the lowest class to be the lowest class forever because they “care”, get it? As long as there is a perpetual lowest class, there HAS to be a large grouping of liberals to ensure that “fairness” is at hand.. This monetary remuneration to the victims of liberalism ALWAYS takes place AFTER the liberals take their healthy cut off of the top.. Again, the dumber that you are, the easier you swallow this liberal poison..

These same leftists believe that handing out YOUR money to those who haven’t achieved or even participated in capitalism, somehow creates self esteem in the VICTIM. The VICTIMS are always “angry” but they are NEVER “angry” at those who have enslaved them in the name of “caring and concern”.. The liberals hand out worthless “grades” without accomplishment while subtly allowing the concept of genuine education to be declassified as “selling out” and the left does nothing to stifle this bogus concept within the minority communities..

The liberals “hand out” everything that they possibly can because it makes THEM feel good. The RESULTS of this cancerous liberalthink, the resultant creation of millions of useless Soylent Green (look it up..) is of no concern to the left. The ONLY thing that the left actually cares about relative to this sad group of bottom feeders is that they vote and that they vote as many times as they possibly can..

The left’s INTENTIONS are ALWAYS good because they are always infused with their moral superiority, they are always pure of thought so the results be damned.. As well, within liberaland, it is always a “lack of funds” that is the “reason” for the abject failure of the liberal ethos to provide tangible CURES for the problems intentionally created and exacerbated by the liberals themselves..

What WE see as generations of FAILURE are generations of VICTORIES for the liberals and their agenda..

So, the TERRORISTS bomb an all-girl school in Syria in order to stifle education and the liberals bomb schools here in America with their unique brand of “compassion” in order to stifle education..

Seems logical..

Winners Losers

The Miss Universe contest.. Not normally the kind of topic covered here but the tentacles of liberalism have infiltrated too large a part of society, even into a beauty pageant.. No, this isn’t about some blithering idiot emcee naming the wrong winner. Miss Columbia? Miss Philippines? Potato or potatoe.. No, this is about Miss Puerto Rico. Did you hear about her? If not, then start listening now.

Miss Puerto Rico, Destiny Velez, is my new hero. Here is the body of a “Tweet” that she sent after the “Bolshevik Buffet Buster”, Michael Moore stood about damaging sidewalks with his collectivist corpulence with a sign saying “we are all Mooselim”. Enter Destiny who had had enough and took to the Twitter stage to announce her disgust: “Mooselims use our Constitution to terrorize USA and gas plant stations. There’s no comparison between Jews, Christians and Mooselims. Jews nor Christians have terrorizing agendas in their sacred books, all Mooselims have done is terrorize this country and many others!!!!!!”

Next, we hear from the cowards at the “Miss Puerto Rico Organization”.. “In regards to Destiny Velez’s recent actions and conduct, the Miss Puerto Rico Organization feels that her words do not represent the integrity and esteem of our program..” “Actions”? Liberals turn words into “actions” in order to make Constitution protections ILLEGAL. (They also take illegal ACTIONS and turn them into “speech” in order to protect it. Burning flags, for example.. My “definitional inversion” again comes into play..) They said that they are going to “work to resolve the issue”.. Poor Destiny must now be placed into the liberal “PC indoctrination camp”.. Let’s not begin to discuss this organizations alleged “integrity and esteem”..

It didn’t take long.. Destiny, apparently scrubbed of all of her Mooselimophobia, announced, “I apologize to the people I have offended with my words. I am first and foremost an Upstander, and as such, I stand up against bullying. The last thing I wanted to do was to bully anyone. Again, I want to apologize to anyone who felt offended with my words..”

Destiny is apologizing to the LIBERALS. The LIBERALS were the ones “offended” because such a display of female pulchritude like the “Miss Universe” pageant is allegedly SO offensive to the Mooselims that they would have never known about this alleged offense!

Liberals despise the whole “winners and losers” concept of a pageant, let alone that the “feminists” despise the fact that they themselves more often than not, look more like men than women. Now we add in someone speaking, SPEAKING on some Internet web site, using their Constitutional right of free speech and its suddenly a case of “Bullying”..

In the end, there aren’t ANY bigger “bullies” than those of the liberal left but they allegedly “make the rules”, so until the majority stands up and says and emphatic “no” to them, their BULLYING will continue.. With the liberal left, YOUR Constitution rights DO NOT EXIST IF you disagree with the tenets of liberalism. By silencing “free speech” YOUR arguments based upon fact and common sense, knock over the liberal intellectual house of cards so you MUST be silenced.. It doesn’t matter if Miss Columbia or Miss Philippines “won”. Destiny Velez was the loser and the Constitutional right of free speech lost as well..