Monthly Archives: February 2010

Moved Us Closer

As the socialist smoke and the fascist fog have finally cleared from the “silly summit” which could have just as easily been held at your local Chuck E. Cheese, the liberal “leaders” are all out doing their best “Bolshevik Buck and Wing” in public.. All of their “leaders”, except for Howard “cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs” Dean who is still shackled to the wall in Pelosi’s parlor.. You will note the lack of enthusiasm from the run-of-the-mill liberal office holder who has to contend with this liberal leprosy.. Their silence is more telling than the liberal “leaders” and their dystrophic dance of dementia..

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The “fog and phony” show otherwise known as the health scare summit has come and gone and the repulsive residue left behind is no different than the socialist snow job that had taken place until the day before the silly summit.. EGObama proved just how useless the whole charade was because he “strongly signaled” that the liberals will “move forward with or without the Republicans”. The collectivist compass is off as usual because “forward” won’t have anything to do with this apostasy..

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Collectivist Constipation

The news surrounding the Obama health scare “summit” isn’t all that promising for the liberals which means that it is very promising for the tax paying victims of yet another of the endless Obama wealth redistribution plans.. In what appears to be a rare “bipartisan” agreement, both sides feel that “Obama’s much touted televised summit has virtually no chance of breaking the political logjam.” Therefore, it is full steam ahead as Obama wants nothing more than to save either one of his two faces..

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Abandon Ship

The fog horns are sounding all over the liberal socialist steamer named “hope and change” and the as the vessel continuously lists precariously portside, the liberals on board are all looking for flotation devices in order to abandon ship.. If Teddy were still around gathering dust and further vulcanizing his liver, at least seventy head of liberal could cling to him as he was the biggest Bolshevik buoy of them all..

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Far From Settled

Once the liberals discover the idea of how profitable their agenda can be, it becomes an impossibility for them to release their cancerous grip upon it.. Most liberals are Marxists but as soon as the “all-mighty dollar” begins fattening their bank accounts by the bags full, their “beliefs” become lock solid and based upon something called, “scientific principle”.. “Scientific” and “principle” aren’t normally seen or heard within the same sentence when one is discussing the climate change comedy..

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Fraught With Risk

On February 9th, yet another liberal IED exploded in Washington. Surprisingly, I will wager that you haven’t heard a single word about it until now. The “revenue recidivist” himself said that he is “agnostic about raising taxes on households making less than $250,000 as part of a broad effort to rein in the budget deficit.” For those who are fond of brevity, this is known as a “Kerry” or a “flip flop”. For those more historically inclined, this is an “HW”..

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The Dance Of The Demented

Sometimes the eternal optimism of a child doesn’t take into account all of the things that they have done prior to their pronouncements that make their proclamations impossible to bring to fruition.. Thus ANY statement or release from the Obama obfuscators must be taken with a grain of salt. Strike that, it must be taken with a block of salt..

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Coming Attractions

Yesterday the recent Obama epiphany known as the “spirit of bi-partisanship” reared its unattractive head of serpents as his hilarious health scare scam has been “modified” and it is now called “Hope-a-Dope”.. (Liberal language softener 1.0 primer: When “global warming” failed, try climate change”..) When the liberals, who used to be enabled by the flatulence of “Hope and Change”, start walking around with olive branches in their hand, you know that it is something that they HAVE to do and as with every maneuver that is carefully choreographed by the leftists, it’s all for effect..

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Fear Of (F)lying?

In what has to rank right up there with the dreaded “cover curse” of Sports Illustrated, the Indianapolis Colts were unceremoniously whacked by Obama just hours before game time. Obama worked his magic during an interview with the AMAZINGLY talented and completely impartial Katie Couric. At this point I feel compelled to disengage and shift to a different rant. Don’t worry, I’ll be back to this..

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The Victory

John Brennan is upset. Using the most confusing of visual analogies, Brennan complained of a “500 mile screwdriver from Washington to Detroit”. I concur. I am upset over the ludicrous legal logistics and the cunning cartwheels of the Obama hacks relative to the Christmas Day Mooselim mambo.. After reading what he said about the situation, it would appear that Brennan is annoyed for a different reason. Relative to the “500 mile screwdriver”, I have visual analogies that are more appropriate and applicable to the Obama caliphate and I will reveal them a bit later on..

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